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Purchase a piece of art:

When ordering a piece of art from me you simply hit the buy it now button asociated with the peice of art to make the initial purcase locking in the price and guaranteeing the avalabliaty of the piece to you. A 6% Sales tax will be applied at the time of initial purcuse. As for shipping cost they are based on where in the world I will need to ship the piece of art to and will be added to the a final bill. As all my paintings or drawings are shipped in a custom shipping containers custom to the peice of art itself insuring safe delivery of your piece of art to you. For dilivery in the continential USA I ship via the most afordable method avalable to you yet as not chanching any damage to the piece of art. For all internationial shipments I use a very reputable freight forwarder with door to door services. All orders ship only after final invoice containing all cost including all shipping cost ,taxs and tarrifs,as well as insurance on the peiece of art has cleared. My preffered method of payment is through pay pal to ensure a secure and safe banking transaction. Pay pal acepts visa and master card, I can also make other banking arangements if requested by the purchaser. 


All final sales are subject to the approval of the Artist Emil Gatone. The refusal of  any sale is at the desecration of Emil Gatone and can be canceled for any reason at any time of the transaction and a full refund for the piece of art will be issued.  I.e example war torn areas of the world, locations prone to natural disasters, radical organizations, or just any one that is a complete A-Hole and i feel is completely undeserving of my art 



Pen and ink drawing by Emil Gatone
M.M.Z. Emil Gatone

Magoos monkey zoo © All art work titles and photography copyright Emil Gatone ©

M.M.Z. Emil Gatone

 All art work of any form that is produced by Emil gatone is the personal property of Ethan Gatone as well as any of the proceeds that are generated by the sales of said art work as it is gifted to him upon completion be it shown on this web page Magoo's Monkey Zoo or is on the premise of my working studio Magoo's Monkey Zoo all uncompleted art work becomes the personal property of Ethan Gatone upon my death 

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